Seeing as there’s no croquet to be played at the moment, it means there’s some time for reflection on how some members got into croquet in the first place. First up is club Secretary Simon Ling, and his story (or at least some of it!) is below. If you have a croquet story you’d like to share (not just Reigate… Read more →
Distant Socialising

Finals Results! From 1996…
With free time in abundance during the lockdown, Alan Slade was charged with clearing out old files at home, and came across this report from the Surrey Mirror. The picture is of Alan himself, with Becky Cosier. The text reads (with scores reformatted for easy reading!): REIGATE Priory Croquet Club’s annual finals weekend did not enjoy ideal weather but the… Read more →

Cryptic Quiz – Local Towns
During these self-isolating times, our croquet club members are staying in contact with each other, and the other day a quiz was devised and shared by Simon and Judy, with some tricky clues to lead you to some place names from the Reigate area (and maybe a little more towards Ashtead!). Check your answers by clicking on the clues below… Read more →

Di’s Daily Discipline
With the lawn closed, members are having to compromise somewhat when keeping up their skills, and Di is a perfect example of this – her picture and words below… Read more →