Under a leaden sky members of the club, thirteen in all, attended St Joseph’s Catholic Church Redhill on Thursday 6th December. They joined a gathering of some 300 people to celebrate a requiem thanksgiving mass for John Staddon who died on 12th November after a period of cancer treatment. Following the service the family attended a private burial at Redstone cemetery, and then joined… Read more →
In Memory
Grand Opening of the Vulliamy Terrace
Without Bunny Vulliamy, Reigate would not have a croquet club. Joining in 1969, he quickly became Secretary, and then Chairman, in the process rescuing the moribund club and setting it on its current highly-successful path. Bunny bequeathed a substantial donation to the club upon his passing, and this money has been put to good use creating a viewing platform at the North end of the lawn, known as the Vulliamy Terrace, and a Commemoration Seat, which were officially opened on April 7th 2018.
A plaque was added in remembrance of all Bunny did for the club, and the terrace was opened with some kind words from Chairman John Bristow.
The members gathered spent the day enjoying the Chairman’s Choice – a fun (but competitive!) day involving a mix of quarter-lawn, 2 hoop association and golf croquet, followed by another of Freda’s excellent lunches.
High handicap winners (who tied) were Sue Rice & Judy Perry. Low handicap winner Martin Peacock kindly donated his prize to the other two!
Joyce’s Legacy
Members of Joyce Hampton’s family joined us to present a memorial croquet mallet in her name, after her recent death. They also donated her very own mallet, to be known as Hampton’s Hammer. Below is the memorial mallet being christened, by somebody who has never played before – it’s obviously up to the job! Read more →

Joyce Hampton 1930 – 2017
On 4th September a dozen members of the club were invited to join with family and friends to celebrate Joyce’s life. The service was held at Randalls Park Crematorium on a damp and drizzly day, so typical of many roll-up days. Between 2 hymns and the Lord’s prayer the celebrant delivered a clear and comprehensive summary of Joyce’s life. It… Read more →

Ron Farr
Ron Farr died in the middle of May after a short spell in hospital. This came as something of a surprise as members of the club had visited him at his care home a few weeks before and he appeared to be physically fine. His funeral was delayed as Mary his wife was in hospital with a heart condition. On… Read more →

Martin Holland 1950 – 2017
Martin Holland was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in late January 2017, and only survived a few weeks subsequently. Joining the club in 2009, Martin was an enthusiastic participant in club and league matches. In 2016 he was delighted to finally win the Rosamund Trophy after several years of reaching the finals. However he was not keen on playing in… Read more →