Mad dogs and Englishmen?

By - 05th December 2017

It wasn’t the midday sun so much as the freezing cold which greeted RPCC’s intrepid Christmas Cracker participants this weekend.  Some dressed up in “novelty” Christmas dress, and others were more interested in the mulled wine, but either a way a good time was had by all.  Prizes were awarded to Chairman John, and runner-up Sue, both of whom showed great inventiveness in their costumes.

Martin, who organised the shindig, also showed considerable inventiveness organising players to participate in a short but idiosyncratic version of golf croquet, which enabled as many people as possible to play on the lawn for a short time, allowing maximum time for imbibing and thawing out.

Thanks must be given to Freda who as ever provided outstanding food and drink, plus a very lovely croquet themed cake.

The competition was won by Sally (low handicapper) and Jill C (high handicapper).