National Croquet Day

By - 10th May 2017

Again this year there is a CA sponsored National Croquet Day and it will be on Sunday June 4th and we will be holding our event on our Lawn in Reigate.
We would really like it to be known locally as “Bring a friend to Croquet” day so please find a friend or friends and bring them along to share the fun and competiveness of the game.
The lawn will be open from 10:00 through the day and there will be members present to assist your friends and demonstrate the game.
We are also scheduled to hold a demonstration of Association Play between two of our low handicappers at about 13:00 and further details will be given either on the day or hopefully in advance.
So I attach some flyers for you to give to your friends or print and advertise to any groups, clubs, societies etc. that you may well be involved with.
We are going to have Frankfurters and cakes etc. available at a cost during the day and if you can bake a cake or prepare a savoury please let me or Lucy/Freda know.
We are planning a Tombola type raffle and are hoping that Members can donate a prize, from a tin of beans through to a bottle of wine or chocolates to make up a number of prizes. The money raised from this is planned to go towards Reigate‘s Mayor David Powell who is attempting a parachute jump at the age of 81, to raise funds for extra youth club opening times, to get local youth off the streets, which is a worthy cause. There will shortly be a box in the Club house for your donations.
So if you can attend to assist with showing any members of the public how to play, or just generally to give support, like cooking Frankfurters, please put in your diary and we will look forward to seeing you on the day. You can just come along to participate and play.
Lucy and Freda are organising the day in detail and if you have any queries please advise me or ask Lucy/Freda.
Look forward to seeing you there on the 4th June.