Removing the Ridge – Episode 3

By RPCC - 16th September 2020

By Tuesday night the entrance drive through the gates was clear of parked cars; thanks to Roger with several empty beer barrels and a long blue rope.

This enabled the trucks to deliver the 20 tonnes of “Rootzone” directly onto the outfield conveniently near the lawn. The pile is now covered in a
white tarpaulin sheet to prevent contamination before use the following week.

Wednesday was a busy time for the tractors and trailers (see videos below) with the remainder of the vegetation stripped off
the lawn including the practice area and beyond (oops!).

Thursday and Friday were busy times too, but elsewhere on the cricket square. Next comes cultivation, amelioration and consolidation…

20 Tonnes of Rootzone, ready to go!
Practice area also stripped
Tractors ‘n’ trailers
Levelling machinery