The Return of Club Days

By - 06th September 2021

16 players all simultaneously playing croquet on the club one-and-only lawn enlivened the dull dry day Saturday 4th September. The occasion was the end of season “Chairman’s Choice” club day.

The game played [dubbed Fusion Croquet by the Chairman when hard pressed for a name] was a hybrid of AC, GC and One-Ball; fuller details at the end of this note. Higher ability players were paired with lesser ability players and 3 full rounds of doubles were completed interspersed with excellent on-the-go buffet created by Freda.

Sue and Mike emerged as winners having scored the maximum number of hoops in their individual games, Everyone agreed it was a game worth playing again as well as being an entertaining day out. Along with a very successful finals days recently it was a fitting end to the season in these somewhat confused times.

The Game
Basically a modified form of 2-Ball Match-Play Croquet referenced on the Croquet Association

The bones of the game played were:

  • Conventional lawn layout
  • Doubles play, alternate stoke
  • Two balls only, one per pair
  • Start in corner 4
  • 13 point games scored as GC, Peg replaces golden hoop
  • Roquet/croquet allowed after 1st hoop run
  • No continuation shot after hoop run
  • Offside ½ way rule apples
  • Yard line applies
  • Generally most AC and GC rules apply,