Following mention at the AGM of declining numbers appearing at club days this season, a reassuringly large crowd ignored the rain and wind to participate in the last Reigate Croquet event of 2018, the Christmas Cracker. Played as an alternate, short form of golf on half lawns, high handicappers were partnered with varying low handicappers for each game, with no… Read more →
Club Day
RPCC Finals Weekend
The blocks have been completed, and semi-finals played, so all that is left is for the finals themselves to be played, which is what we’re going to do this weekend! We have a full schedule from Friday to Sunday, so there will be plenty of matches for you to see – please come along and support the finalists! Association games will… Read more →
Croquet v Football
Due to England selfishly progressing to the quarter-finals, even though they knew we had our fun tournament booked in for Saturday, we’re going to postpone the fixture for now. The Barbecue will still be going ahead as planned at 6:30, and assistance both before and after, with setting things up and taking them down, would be very much appreciated! Read more →
Speed Doubles
The first Saturday in June saw a dozen players in whites, most anyway, rushing about the lawn; they were playing Speed Doubles. The game is Association alternate-stroke doubles, played on half lawns to a tight total time limit of ten minutes play per side, meaning that the games are short and there is no hanging about. Players were grouped into… Read more →
National Croquet Day
Once a year, across the country, croquet clubs make a concerted effort to bring attention to the sport and encourage recruitment, and this year’s efforts were definitely a success! With the weather forecasts increasingly threatening doom and gloom in the preceding days, there was much relief as the sun came out to allow visitors to enjoy croquet as it should… Read more →
Club Day – 1 Ball Competition
The next club day is booked in for Saturday, May 5th, and will be a one-ball competition on half lawns, best of 7 hoops for each game. There will be no bisques, but players will be divided into two groups according to handicap. There will be a prize for the winner of each group. Freda will also be arranging catering,… Read more →
National Croquet Day 2018
Sunday, May 13th will be this year’s National Croquet Day, and we will be holding our event on our lawn in Reigate. The idea is to raise the profile of croquet somewhat, so to that end we’d like to encourage as many people as possible to come and give it a go – for members, this means encouraging as many friends,… Read more →
Grand Opening of the Vulliamy Terrace
Without Bunny Vulliamy, Reigate would not have a croquet club. Joining in 1969, he quickly became Secretary, and then Chairman, in the process rescuing the moribund club and setting it on its current highly-successful path. Bunny bequeathed a substantial donation to the club upon his passing, and this money has been put to good use creating a viewing platform at the North end of the lawn, known as the Vulliamy Terrace, and a Commemoration Seat, which were officially opened on April 7th 2018.
A plaque was added in remembrance of all Bunny did for the club, and the terrace was opened with some kind words from Chairman John Bristow.
The members gathered spent the day enjoying the Chairman’s Choice – a fun (but competitive!) day involving a mix of quarter-lawn, 2 hoop association and golf croquet, followed by another of Freda’s excellent lunches.
High handicap winners (who tied) were Sue Rice & Judy Perry. Low handicap winner Martin Peacock kindly donated his prize to the other two!
Mad dogs and Englishmen?
It wasn’t the midday sun so much as the freezing cold which greeted RPCC’s intrepid Christmas Cracker participants this weekend. Some dressed up in “novelty” Christmas dress, and others were more interested in the mulled wine, but either a way a good time was had by all. Prizes were awarded to Chairman John, and runner-up Sue, both of whom showed… Read more →
Millennium Salver 2016
This year’s Millennium Salver took place on the most beautiful summer’s day. The entrants ranged from some of our newest members to some of the longest standing and in age from 9 to 81! Competition was fierce with particularly strong performances from Freda Knight and Alan Slade in the block stages…and they duly progressed through the semi-finals to the final.… Read more →